Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Would i be able to switch cases with a dell computer?

I bought a dell 9000 and im not impressed with the cooling. So i am thinking of buying Cosmos S case. But here is the problem and question, First is does dell use some different kind of front panel connectors because i dont see it on the motherboard. And the other one is there are no fan headers on my motherboard so how would i get extra fans to run in my computer.Would i be able to switch cases with a dell computer?
Is the CPU running too hot??? If so, this may be a warranty issue, call DELL FIRST.

If it is, and it's out of warranty, just upgrade the CPU fan. There's no need to replace the whole case.

Then, wait and see if it still runs hot, and if so, there are adapters to connect extra fans to a free Molex connector (at The Source / Radio Shack, for example).

What are some famous Protected Speech cases in the US?

I am currently looking for a way to get around the 1st amendment of the US constituion in a debate. I ahve to argue the affirmative of Texas v. Johnson and every case relating to this has been shot down by the supreme court. Is there any real example of the 1st amendment being overturned besides when it is used to promote drugs?What are some famous Protected Speech cases in the US?
Quick!! Copy this before they make it disappear!!

History hides the lies and hopefully you can uncover the truth in time to stop the pattern before it is too late. Lets start with the grandfather to our current President, George Jr.; Prescott Bush went down for Trading With The Enemies Act for selling pig iron to the Nazi War Machine! The Bush family’s wealth comes from their corporations in Germany using the Jews in the concentration camps as free labor! After the War, the Nazis were helped out of Germany by calling them “Scientists” and they were brought to The United States of America and other countries! Ever heard of the “Compound” in Argentina? Adolph “Hitler” and other Nazis have died there of old age after the War was over.

Fritz Springmeyer, a genealogist, wrote a book in 1995 titled; Bloodlines of the Illuminati. In his book you will find out that Abraham “Lincoln”, Adolph “Hitler”, and William Jefferson “Clinton” have three things in common. First, they all led their countries! Second, they are all adopted! Third, they were all adopted out of the same Sir Name family; Rothchild (“Red Shield”), which is the Bauer family; and where are they from? Germany! The international banker family that just happens to be the life long financier for the Vatican!

Watch PBS’s Inquistion series if you have any questions. I believe that Abraham Rothschild’s real identity was discovered and he was assassinated for it! This country swore that it would never let the international banker families lead our nation! Whoops!

The “Esquires” from the “British” Accreditation Regency (BAR)

run The United States. In the 1700’s, Massachusetts called them Vermin and the Masters of Chaos because the laws that they wrote could be argued against themselves before the ink dried! The rationale is that there must be a controversy before there can be a “court” case and a Vermin can make money! Chaos producing and self serving SOB's, aren’t they? How are they doing? Look around, how are things running? Chaotic? Perfect!

Check the BAR Association’s Code of Ethical Responsibilities ( its free, just call the BAR), where it states that there are no “courts”! The word court appears in the document only once; it is the last word, in the last line, on the last page! That sentence reads; Tribunals refers to “courts.” Courts is in quotes!!! Things with quotes don’t exist, do they? I personally verified these facts at the US Attorney’s Office; there are no Courts, they are tribunals, Tribunals are Military, the Military belongs to the Commander in Chief. The Unitary Executive is already in full swing and has been since the US Bankruptcy of 1933 at the hands of the British. You know it as the “New Deal”, apparently you didn’t like the old deal! We are still in that Bankruptcy proceeding today and this is why the word POLICY is now used instead of the word LAW! The Executive is making the Law with Executive Orders!

These “British Agents” are 100% of the US Judicial Branch, if it really was there! British Loyalists are also the majority in the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch. Those that aren’t BAR members; that is, they have NOT taken an Oath to the British and became an Esquire, one step above Gentleman amd one below Knight on the “British” lineup. They all have at least one BAR member attached to them. Including our current President, who had six private “attorneys” when he entered the Office of President! Hey, wait a minute, the office of the President comes with the Attorney General’s office full of attorneys. Why would he need six private “attorneys”? Is he in a law suit? No, a sitting President cannot be sued! Then, what are they for? They are his “British” handlers! When George Bush, Jr. was “made” President by the Supreme Tribunal, that Tribunal belonged to the sitting President; William Jefferson Rothschild/Bauer/Clinton!

The Nazi, George Jr. Bush was going to be President, one way or another; look at the facts again and again and again, until you see it! The Unitary Executive is already in place, two of the three branches are in the Executive, the Executive’s signing statements and the “Handlers” attached to every non-BAR person in the Legislative Branch!

According to the LAW, “Attorneys” can only RE-present three groups of persons; 1) infants, 2) wards of the “court” and 3) person’s of unsound mind! Which one are you when you retain an attorney? When you retain an “attorney”, you make an Affirmation and Declaration to the “court” of Non Compus Mentis (Latin); its translation is: NOT MENTALLY COMPETANT!! Crazy by your/their own volition and consent! Totally Voluntary, Sheep!

Prescott Bush was a Nazi lover and nuts never fall far from the Tree! George Bush, Sr. is a Nazi; William Rothschild is an international banker; George Bush, Jr. is a Nazi; and now here comes Hitlery, I married into the Rothschild banker family and my offspring (Chelsea) has Bauer blood; and I will be the Queen in America! She is B A R and so are most of the other “candidates” that you have to choose from to be your next President! When General Betrayus was in front of Congress, he said; “not to be flippant, I will need to consult my “attorney”! Say what? A General that isn’t mentally competent by his own Affirmation and Declaration, is serving in our Military? That’s what he said. Someone in Congress should have asked to speak with his master, the Master of the Puppet, Esquire!

Have you ever wondered why John Kerry didn’t speak up four separate times while campaigning against George, Jr. when he should have wiped the floor with him? John is related to George and they are both cousins to the Queen in England! John married the Heinz money just before running, coincidence? I think not! And William Jefferson Rothschild’s number two, Al Gore isn’t going to save you either! Al remained quiet while the Election was stolen from him and he held his tongue! Just like William told him to! Ever wonder why the BAR Association didn’t say anything while it was happening or even after the fact? The insane are leading the crazy into WWIII, all on behalf of the Vatican and it’s financiers! George W. Bush gave a State of the Union speech after returning from the Vatican and in that speech he used the word, Crusade; the Christian Holy War! Jihad anyone?

If you would like to see what they have prepared for you, you will need to examine all Acts and all the Executive Orders fron the beginning to today! If you do, you will see exactly who is running this country, how they came to power, how they are running this country and what they are planning to do with it next. It paints a picture and it isn’t a very pretty picture for US! They are following Commander Albert Pike’s THREE World Wars Blue Print, it was located in a Museum in London and now copies are floating around America.

Albert Pike wrote the plan for the three World Wars somewhere between 1859 and 1879; Pike names the combatants for WWI and who wins! He states; “ that which was created out of WWI, sets up WWII.” He then wrote down the combatants for WWII, Germany vs. Europe. He then writes Germany loses and Israel becomes a State in Palestine! In 1948 Rothschild creates modern day Israel with Judaism Jews out of Khazaria (once located in Russia) and in downtown Tel Aviv you will find two banks, one at 39th and 50th Rothschild Blvd.

Rothschild literally means Red Shield, it is two triangles in Red, one pointed up and the other overlapping the first, pointing down. Some mistakenly call it the Star of David, if it is in Blue, it is Modern day Israel’s flag! Commander Pike then wrote; “that which was created out of WWII, sets up WWIII.” The Jewish Nationalists vs. the Muslims, both sides to there total demise and the Vatican moves it’s Throne to Jerusalem! This is why the Muslims built a Temple on the Mount in Jerusalem! They already know that it is coming. Notice that Pike said Jewish Nationalists and not Israelis or Israelites, they plan on drawing in all the Jews of the World for the final WAR, including the Christians! They all have to go according to Commander Pike’s Three World Wars Plan!

There are two Israel(s); if you are from Israel in the Bible, you are an Israelite! If you are from Israel today, you are an Israeli! What is the difference? An Israelite is bloodline Jew and an Israeli is a Jew by religion only; Judaism! The country of Khazaria was located in old Russia and the King turned the whole country to Judaism, these are the Israelis of today; Khazars, just like Henry Kissinger and company! Rothschild created this “recreation of what looks like the Bible references” but they are not the bloodline Jews, the Israelites of the Bible; the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Shem. When they say that you are being anti Semitic, they aren’t pronouncing it correctly! It is Shemitic, the decendents of Shem! The Shemites! There are at lease three types of Jews that I can find, Bloodline Jews, Judaism Jews, and CONfused Jews- the Christians! Christians claim that they follow Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews, who led Israelites and said; “take this even unto the Gentiles!” There are Jews and Gentiles; What was talking? Who CONfused the Jews? The Bible says that you will all be deceived by your leaders and it is right! Who is your leader, CONfused Jew? The VATICAN AND HIS BANKER!!! A man on Earth will claim himself OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME and make up the word “GOD” for the Inculcation of worshipers of the Greek mountain deity named GOTT. This man will change our Father’s LAWS and he will bear the sign of the BEAST, the number of man, 666. I would now like to apply all three to the Vatican, two popes in official writings, appropriately named Papal BULL, claimed themselves “God” on Earth! The Vatican then split the 10th Commandment into the 9th and the 10th, and took out; “Thou shall not make unto thyself ANY engraven images, nor shall thy bow down to ANY engraven image! Could you please explain that Cruixifix to me, CONfused Jew! The other Commandment that was changed, now says, keep holy the Sabbath; which originally stated, “for six days I did labor and on the seventh day I did rest and that day is the Sabbath and is to be set apart.” The Jews did have names for the days; Constantine, the Roman Emperor named the days! He declared that on the first day of the week you will worship the Sun (Sun-day), on the second day you will worship the Moon (Moon-day), the third day you will worship Tao (Tao’s-day), the forth day you will will worship Woden (Woden’s-day), the fifth day you will worship Thor (Thor’s-day), on the sixth day you will worship Nimrod’s wife Frye (Frye-day), and on the SEVENTH DAY YOU WILL WORSHIP THE GREEK “GOD” SATURN (Saturn-day). Check your calendar, Sunday is NOT the Seventh day!!! All we are missing is the number of man. The pope “bears” a had called the Matre. On the Matre in Roman letters, it’s translation is “Vicar son of God”. Another claiming to be OUR FATHER! Take the Roman letters off the Matre and take out the Roman Numeral system, write the value next to each letter, for those that don’t have a value, put a zero! Add it up sucker! 1-2-3 Guess who you be!

I would like to close with my reasons for 9-11, George Bush, Sr.!

As George Bush, Sr. was leaving the office of President, he did some remarkable things; he pardoned the bagman for the Iran-contra scandal, Adnag Kashogi. Then he helped a Canadian company called Barrett Gold Minning of Canada, take possession of a gold mine located in Nevada, for $10,000 to the US Government. George, Sr. then leaves the office of President and becomes a Director on two boards; the Carlisle Group and Barrett Gold Mining of Canada and found that the majority stock holder was that renowned Canadian; Adnag Kashogi, the bagman from the Iran-contra scandal. What should really burn your britches is that Congress of the United States had to approve the sale of that Gold Mine, they gave the Gold Mine to George Bush, Sr. and Adnag Kashogi for $10,000! That mine had 20 billion in gold ore with the price of gold around $170 an ounce when they took it, now the price of gold is $700+ per ounce and rising quickly so that 20 billion is now worth four/five/six times as much. To get everyone that noticed what had just happened and to keep them off of daddy Bush, they staged 9-11 and immediately invaded Iraq to cover up 9-11. All to push forward Albert Pike’s plan and cover up for George Bush, Sr.!

Are you ready for the next phase of the plan? Do they really care if you are? NO, you aren’t supposed to know what the plan is and that way they can use it to extract your wealth while they kill off your offspring on one side of the War or the other! Pick a side; Homicide, Suicide, or Genocide! They will CONvince you that it really was your choice, they are the Master of Chaos; VERMIN! The US has a Vermin problem! Calling all exterminators!

From the desk of thy,

Les Fortune

A Patriot


You have been captured Colonists, every Presidential or any other “candidate” for governmental positions should be asked these questions:

1) Have you ever taken an Oath to another country? (like the British?)

2) Have you ever surrendered your Citizenship for any reason?

3) Have you ever made an Affirmation and/or Declaration of not being mentally competent? Are you Crazy? (A quote from the musical group, Pink Floyd; “All the world knows that he is Crazy, Truly Gone Fishing!” Do you have Bats in the Belfry, are you a few bricks shy of a full load, of are you playing cards +with only part of the deck?

The Legislative Branch makes the Law and the Executive Branch is charged with the enforcement of the Law, therefore every person in the Executive Branch of all levels of government are Law Enforcement Officials. Yes they are, and from the Law books known as American Jurisprudence: 70 Am Jur 2d Subsection 90; “Any Law Enforcement Official who misconstrues or misapplies the Law to my harm, is 100% Liable in their Private Capacity.” That is your house, your car, your boat, your bank accounts, …. you Play with me, you Pay with Me!!

Be Well Patriots and eat a Loyalist for lunch.

Also Read -

Biggest Secret -- The Book That Will Change The World --

By David Icke -- Chapter 17

It will tell you about France and our Statue of Liberty.What are some famous Protected Speech cases in the US?
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. It prohibits the federal legislature from making laws ';respecting an establishment of religion'; (the ';Establishment Clause';) or that prohibit free exercise of religion (the ';Free Exercise Clause';), laws that infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to assemble peaceably, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Although the First Amendment explicitly prohibits only the named rights from being abridged by laws made by Congress, the courts have interpreted it as applying more broadly. As the first sentence in the body of the Constitution reserves all law-making (';legislative';) authority to Congress, the courts have held that the First Amendment's terms also extend to the executive and judicial branches. Additionally, in the 20th century the Supreme Court has held that the Due Process clause of the 1868 Fourteenth Amendment ';incorporates'; the limitations of the First Amendment to restrict also the states.

John and Mary Beth Tinker attended public school in Des Moines, Iowa. In December of 1965 a community group in Des Moines decided to protest American involvement in the Vietnam War by wearing black armbands. The Tinkers agreed to wear their black armbands to school. However, principals in the school district, aware of the students' plans created a rule that any student wearing an armband to school would be suspended unless the student removed the armband. Although the Tinkers knew about this rule, they decided to come to school wearing armbands anyway. After refusing to take the armbands off, John and Mary Beth Tinker were sent home by the principal. Their suspension lasted until they agreed to come back to school without the armbands.

The Tinkers filed a suit in the U.S. District Court to stop the school principals from enforcing the rule in the future. Although the District Court said that this type of protest was a form of expression protected under the First Amendment's freedom of speech clause, the Court sided with the school officials, saying that the rule was needed to ';prevent the disturbance of school activities.'; The Tinkers appealed their case to the U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, but they lost. The Tinkers decided to appeal the case to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The fundamental question of the case came down to this: Does the First Amendment's promise of free speech extend to the symbolic speech of public school students? And, if so, in what circumstances is that symbolic speech protected? The First Amendment to the Constitution says, ';Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.'; The Fourteenth Amendment extends this rule to state government as well, of which schools are a part. However, the First Amendment does not say which kinds of speech are protected. It also does not specify what types of expressive actions should be considered as speech.

The question of what kind of speech or action is protected under the First Amendment has been considered many times by the Supreme Court of the United States. Generally, the Court has held that the First Amendment protects adult symbolic speech that does not harm or threaten to harm. However, at the time of Tinker, it was unclear whether students' rights in this area were different.

In 1968 the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear the Tinker's case and consider whether the Des Moines public schools ban on armbands was an unconstitutional violation of the students' right to free speech. The Court's decision in Tinker v. Des Moines was handed down in 1969.


During the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, respondent Johnson participated in a political demonstration to protest the policies of the Reagan administration and some Dallas-based corporations. After a march through the city streets, Johnson burned an American flag while protesters chanted. No one was physically injured or threatened with injury, although several witnesses were seriously offended by the flag burning. Johnson was convicted of desecration of a venerated object in violation of a Texas statute, and a State Court of Appeals affirmed. However, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals reversed, holding that the State, consistent with the First Amendment, could not punish Johnson for burning the flag in these circumstances. The court first found that Johnson's burning of the flag was expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment. The court concluded that the State could not criminally sanction flag desecration in order to preserve the flag as a symbol of national unity. It also held that the statute did not meet the State's goal of preventing breaches of the peace, since it was not drawn narrowly enough to encompass only those flag burnings that would likely result in a serious disturbance, and since the flag burning in this case did not threaten such a reaction. Further, it stressed that another Texas statute prohibited breaches of the peace and could be used to prevent disturbances without punishing this flag desecration.


Affirmative Action and Online Free Speech Cases Once Again Loom Large on Supreme Court Docket (10/3/2002)


Thursday, October 3, 2002

WASHINGTON--This year, the Supreme Court has once again been asked to consider the high profile issues of affirmative action and free speech online in two important cases on the ACLU docket.

The first case involves two challenges to the use of race as one factor in determining admissions at the University of Michigan. The second is a challenge to a law that forces libraries to deny adults as well as minors access to constitutionally protected speech online in order to receive federal funding.


The Supreme Court heard a case about free speech Monday after a Juneau, Alaska high school student was suspended for displaying a sign, ';Bong Hits 4 Jesus'; at an off-campus school activity. National Law Journal's Marcia Coyle discusses the case.

In January of 2002, while standing along a parade route just across from his Juneau, Alaska, high school, then 18-year-old Joe Frederick unfurled a 14-foot-long banner which read, ';Bong Hits 4 Jesus.';

Frederick freely admitted he was challenging school authority. School principal Deborah Morse quickly confiscated the banner and suspended Frederick for 10 days. Frederick sued Principal Morse and the school board for violating his First Amendment rights to free speech.

He lost at the federal district level, but won in appeals court. Morse then appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, which today heard oral arguments in the case.

  • face make up remover
  • Is Warrant less Wiretapping in some cases justified to protect National Security?

    I need your views on this please.Is Warrant less Wiretapping in some cases justified to protect National Security?
    That is one of those slippery slope kind of things. Well, if we can listen in when one side of the conversation is outside our borders why can we not listen to calls within the US that are routed outside the country through the satellite network(that is an actual argument used by the NSA to Congress in 2003).Is Warrant less Wiretapping in some cases justified to protect National Security?
    No. It is not justified to protect National Security. Isn't it odd how all of a sudden, within just a few months time, it seems that everyone is spying on us, and that all of these steps, and laws, etc. which are being pushed through the legislation, are necessary? This is what we have been told by our administration. It's crap, nothing more. Our administration is doing nothing more than trying to take complete and total control over this nation, and the people of this once great nation. They are in every aspect of our lives now, and to the point of listening in, searching us, and taking posession of us, our lives, homes, etc. with no reason, and no warrants. No warrants is a violation of not only our Constitution, but also the laws which were once in place to protect the people of our nation.

    Which phone is better in my cases, The sidekick 08 or the Samsung Gravity?

    I'm getting my first phone but i'm not so sure which phone i should get. I will not need internet, but i think i'll be i heavy texter. I also want a the phone that has better calling quality.Which phone is better in my cases, The sidekick 08 or the Samsung Gravity?
    Well if you dont get Internet on the Sidekick 2008, you wont be able to see who your texts are from only after your reply to it. Plus, you wont be able to be alerted when you get texts. Thats the downside of the Sidekick 2008 without the Internet Data plan. Its probably the best texting phone out there, but its got a lot of cons when it comes to not getting the Internet plan.

    The Gravity is the perfect phone if you wont need Internet for anything. Its got a really good keyboard, not as good as the Sidekick's but really really good. However, the call quality is kind of bad. In some cases, its pretty good. But in other cases, its really unbearable.

    Price of Sidekick 2008 w/ 2 yr. contract: $99.99

    Price of Gravity w/ 2 yr. contract: $29.99

    As you can see there is a huge difference in price. So now, the ultimate decision is on you really. I think you should get the Gravity over the Sidekick if your not getting the Internet plan. It will save you A LOT of trouble.

    Hope I helped!Which phone is better in my cases, The sidekick 08 or the Samsung Gravity?
    well get the sidekick

    its cool

    the samsung gravity is alright but the sidekick is better

    the sidekick swivels around and the gravity just slides

    the sidekick is pretty cool

    and it makes funny nosies

    i like it

    u should get it

    calling quality............ i think that would be the sidekick

    but i dont really know about calling quality because i dont really talk to people i text them

    if u have any questions email me

    i hope u get the right phone

    are you sure you want t-mobile ? they get dropped calls, so calling quality won't be that good. the company with the best calling quality is AT%26amp;T, and theres texting phones there from LG or something.

    if you must stick with t-mobile, go for the sidekick. easier to text than the samsung gravity.

    What are some companies that sell cases for Zunes?

    Most of the companies selling Zune cases that I've looked at online have been rather expensive, so I was wondering if there were any companies that sell cases at a better bargain?

    Thanks!What are some companies that sell cases for Zunes?
    http://www.amazon.com - there's usually some good ones.

    http://www.handhelditems.com - they have some on sale.

    What are some companies that sell cases for Zunes?
    I've seen them quite often on www.hsn.com and on ebay. Check them out to see if they have any better prices.....GOOD lUCK!!
    best buy and wal*mart have alot of zune accessories.

    What are some landmark Supreme Court cases dealing with racism?

    I'm looking for something that would work as a glib response to the questions ';How are you an American? What does this mean to you?';.

    I'm NOT American, and I find the question somewhat offensive seeing as it comes from a Literature teacher who REALLY should know better.What are some landmark Supreme Court cases dealing with racism?
    Brown Vs. Education

    Where can I buy mutidisk dvd cases in Canada?

    Does anyone know where I can buy dvd cases to hold several dvds? I can find Canadian online sites that sell them in bulk of 25 or more or US online sites. Are there any stores that carry these? It seems like such a simple item yet is so hard to find!Where can I buy mutidisk dvd cases in Canada?
    best buy or equivelant

    What is the reason that rape cases in our country have increased?

    Should girls have to adopt islamic dress code(wearing burkha)to avoid exposer

    Of there body part to mens...

    Or there should be invention of electronic lockup panties for womens to safegard them?


    What is the reason that rape cases in our country have increased?
    buy one of these:-


    wouldnt wanna get sliced up with that thing.What is the reason that rape cases in our country have increased?
    maybe some girls are misusing the laws - but how dare you suggest that this is the reason why rape has increased in your country. You are showing your ignorance about the problem - and it is a very real problem - women are getting raped and also men get raped too.

    Report Abuse

    it's become a WITCH HUNT with the media playing up on certain cases that are appealing to the viewers for entertainment of shock and awe.

    there are rape cases that range from a guy meeting a girl in a 21 %26amp; over nite club being accused of rape even though it was consensual and the girl used a fake I.D. and he gets the same charge as some scumbag that preys on infants.

    the courts must change these type of cases cause now anyone accused and convicted of rape are on websites around the world as predators when that is not necessarily the true story.

    these men/women who have sex with someone younger than themselves get their life ruined and must now be branded for their entire lives cause that is the new trend. the law is going overboard on many of these people.

    i think this is very wrong for the persons having consensual sex.

    anyway, it's now become popular to report anything and get popular within a peer group of teens who want to act like porn stars.

    another scenerio is one parent accues the other parent of rapeing the child in the hopes of getting custody away from that parent.

    i work at child protective services and i've seen false accusations occur often yet the accused is treated as guilty first and must prove innocent which is not always easy to do.

    many innocent people don't even defend themselves because their in shock.

    as for the guilty, i have no pity for them.

    as for anyone harming a child who can't defend themselves, that is totally different and they should get punished up the yang yang.
    Rape cases have increase because more victims are willing to report it to the police. It is not just women that are getting rape, men and children are victims too so I dont think excessive covering of a woman's body will prevent rapes from happening. It does not matter to them if their prey are wearing a bikini or bundled up in a winter coat, rapists are sick in the head and they are out to hurt their victims.
    It's not that rapes have increases...it's just that women ';cry rape'; a lot more.

    With the advent of DNA evidence, the incidence of violent rape have become vanishingly small. Rapists now know that if caught, they MUST rely on the ';yes, we had sex, but it was consentual'; defense.

    That means, no killing your victim. No cuts, contusions, broken bones, ligature marks. No excessive bruising.

    In short, technology has given us a kinder, gentler rapist. Nearly all rapes now resemble ';date-rapes';.

    And of course, date-rapes have been around since the 50's. They just weren't called that until recently. And until recently, they weren't reported, either. Chicks used to not be such tattletails.

    I think one of the main reasons is that young girls today seem to think that the need to act and look older to attract the kind of attention that will ';boost their self esteem'; [aka attention from older guys.]

    This is caused by sex being all over the media and it having become more ';socially acceptable'; than back in the day when it was something sacred and done only in marriage.
    People committing rapes seem to be oversexed.The punishment should be stricter for the rapists.In addition to hefty fines and jail time

    if castration is also made mandatory,then perhaps,this crime would reduce in number.
    it is never the victims fault and for you to suggest that their clothing is the problem is disgusting.

    Rape cases have increased because more victims now press charges
    Actually, they're decreasing even with an expanding population.


    So the answer is no - burq'as are not needed.
    More women are reporting it.

    Perhaps men need to be put in some kind of electronic panties to prevent this behaviour. It isn't the women out there forcing themselves on other women.
    The incidence of rape has not increased in this country. If rape CASES have increased, as you attest, it's because more rapes are being reported than in previous years.
    Too much Sex on TV, Movies, etc. Item Songs, Filthy remix albums are provoking the ';wrong'; feelings in men. There should be some control on this.
    Why punish women for men's inability to control themselves? It would be far better to punish the perpetrators and castrate the rapists.
    women should be treated equaly and not like sex objects
    Chastity belts for everyone!
    the beasts who do this dont get long enough sentences hang the bustards thats what i say
  • face make up remover
  • Can someone tell me how long Ohio stature of limitations last in child endangerment cases?

    I'm working on a book but can't find specifics on Ohio child endangerment laws. How long after a child endangerment and abandonment can a parent still be prosecuted?Can someone tell me how long Ohio stature of limitations last in child endangerment cases?
    It depends on the seriousness of the charge. Was the parents charged with a misdemeanor (M1) or a felony?

    M1 - 2 years

    Felony - 6 years

    How does the government protect patients. How should the government protect people to prevent cases like this.

    In a type of scandal more often associated with Third World countries, a Las Vegas clinic was found to be reusing syringes and vials of medication for nearly four years. The shoddy practices may have led to an outbreak of the potentially fatal hepatitis C virus and exposed patients to HIV, too.How does the government protect patients. How should the government protect people to prevent cases like this.
    One of the reasons why Bush wants to eliminate those ';frivilous'; lawsuits is to let the quacks keep practicing medicine and end all government protection!

    Does anybody know any famous court cases involving the fifth amendment?

    For an over the summer project I need to summarize a court case involving an amendment in the Bill of Rights. Help!Does anybody know any famous court cases involving the fifth amendment?

    What ';specialty'; title I would search under for an attorney that works employment discrimination cases?

    I am searching for an attorney to represent a family member me in a case against his employer. Do you know what title an attorney would be under?What ';specialty'; title I would search under for an attorney that works employment discrimination cases?
    labor law or civl rights or general litigation.

    Have there been any famous court cases against school searches or other security searches?

    I know there have been a lot of cases arguing FOR searches, but what about cases against searches? If the answers is NO, then I may use that as a point for searches.Have there been any famous court cases against school searches or other security searches?
    Nope. I can't think of anything offhand that limits the searches that schools do. The landmark case in this area of law is New Jersey v. TLO 469 U.S. 325 (1985). I would start with that case, and work from there.Have there been any famous court cases against school searches or other security searches?
    The courts have ruled that school searches are legal as it is school property and subject to search.
    Schools act en loco parentis. They are allowed to conduct warrantless searches on school property. They do not need probably cause. There are several cases to this effect. the only cases, that I know of, that limit searches, are in the area of drug testing. But even there, the schools have wide lattitude.

    Choose at least two of the cases listed below, explaining how they differ and how to arrive at the solution fo?

    Choose at least two of the cases listed below, explaining how they differ and how to arrive at the solution for each. Illustrate your points by showing the work required on an example of each of the two cases you choose.

    1. Linear equation and inequalities

    2. Systems of linear equations

    3. Quadratic equation by factoring and quadratic formula

    4. Rational equation

    5. Radical equationsChoose at least two of the cases listed below, explaining how they differ and how to arrive at the solution fo?
    1. y=7x+2

    2. y=2x+1; 18=2x+7y

    3. x^2+11x+10 = (x+10)(x+1)

    4. x^3+11x^2+10x = x(x^2+11x+10) = x(x+10)(x+1)

    5. 7x/2 + 10x/4 = (14x+10x)/4 = 24x/4 = 4(6x)/4 = 6x

    Can you guys recommend some gaming cases with good airflow?

    Ok, I have seen many of them. Ive considered the Antec 900 but now I was the NZXT Tempest because its like an improved version with dust filters. The most Im willing to spend on a case is 120 or maybe a little bit more.

    Can you guys recommend some gaming cases with excellent airflow. ive seen the Xclio windtunel and A830 already and many more.Can you guys recommend some gaming cases with good airflow?

    i love this case. Can you guys recommend some gaming cases with good airflow?
    Cosmos S is byfar the greatest case i have ever seen.

    Does anyone know of any legal cases that involve a teacher being negligant?

    Must be a case from Australia and may contain the following that would be useful:



    -On an ouside of school activity.Does anyone know of any legal cases that involve a teacher being negligant?
    There are quite a lot of negligence cases about schools, although generally it's the school, the school authority, or the state that is sued, rather than the teacher. Teachers don't have any money, you see. That can come about because the teacher is found to have been negligent, and so his employer is vicariously liable. But there is also a non-delegable duty owed by schools to students, so in some cases the question of whether the teacher was personally negligent is irrelevant.

    Parkin v ACT Schools Authority involved a student misusing a belt sander. He got his hand pulled in, ripping off all the skin. It was held that the teacher should have been supervising him more closely. The student was known to be careless, and the regular teacher always kept a close eye on him, but that day there was a substitute teacher. There was also a finding of contributory negligence, since the student should have known not to use the sander in that way.

    Cox v State of New South Wales involved a student being seriously bullied, and the teachers were negligent in not taking the situation seriously.

    Peynolds v Haines was a case in which a student was standing outside the school, shortly before school started, and threw fruit at another student riding his bike along the road. It hit him in the face and permanently damaged his eye. The Supreme Court of New South Wales found that the school was liable as it had assumed responsibility for supervising the students.

    Concerning an activity outside of school, it is clear that a duty of care exists in that situation. That was held in Gugiatti v Servite Collede, for example, although in that case it was found that the teacher had not actually been negligent.

    Does the IRS investigate all fraud cases?

    I recently reported someone to the IRS (Fresno, Ca division) for undeclared income over the past 5 years ($300,000.00 of stolen money). Is this amount too small for them to start an investigation? There is documentation of this person's activity.Does the IRS investigate all fraud cases?
    The IRS investigates all reports of tax fraud, especially where undeclared income is involved. You won't hear about it. And it can take a long time to investigate (they have LOTS of cases!). But be assured that it will be investigated, especially since it involves over $100,000.Does the IRS investigate all fraud cases?
    Back when I worked for the IRS the rule my CID buddy told me is that if someone called the Tax Fraud Hotline and left their name/number and the issue involved more than $100K in taxes then it would be investigated promptly.

    However, if the report was made anonymously {irregardless of the amount of tax involved} the report would be sent to the bottom of the pile - so maybe it would get worked and maybe it wouldn't.

    Federal LE Agents simply do not have the time to be running down all the ';crank calls'; they receive.


    Mike Womack, Sr. Partner

    Zero Degrees Tax LLP

    Moore, OK

    Lawton, OK
    Yes, they do. It might take time, but they do. They are booked up all year long, get behind and everything. Usually they take time to make the case. Reason why it's guilty until proven innocent with them, they have TONS of proof before they even come after you XD
    No, they do not. Unless your report includes EVIDENCE of tax evasion or fraud they won't do anything with your report.
    They will, but it'll take a while.

    I need some web addresses that can help me with affirmative action supreme court cases?

    I am doing a project and I can't find any websites on affirmative action that are easy to understand. Can someone help me?

    Thanks.I need some web addresses that can help me with affirmative action supreme court cases?
    Try oyez.org

    That's where I go when I need to look at Sup. court cases.

    Do breathable nasal packings really work? Can they be used in all the Rhinoplasty cases? Is the surgery messy?

    I really have to get a Rhinoplasty done, but being weak hearted I'm afraid of the suffocation and the discomfort involved. Does the inside of the nose really become messy after the surgery? And what if panicked by suffocation one himself removes the dressing? And is the packing removal stage really horrible?how should I mentally prepare? Please help me.Do breathable nasal packings really work? Can they be used in all the Rhinoplasty cases? Is the surgery messy?
    God, I hope someone answers your questions soon. I'm scheduled for the same surgery tomorrow %26amp; I have the same questions. The doctor showed me 2 tube-like splints that he will insert into each nostril %26amp; he said I should be able to breathe through it some. I'm sure the surgery will be messy for awhile. I've been preparing for my surgery for 3 years. It's been put off for so long b/c of unforseen events beyond my control. So now I'm just ready to get it over with. I'm thinking positively, that it won't be as bad as I am imagining. I've had a lot of major surgeries in the past %26amp; some with complications %26amp; they weren't nearly as bad as they sounded or I'd thought. I am afraid of having panic attacks from not breathing well %26amp; I hate the thought of breathing thru my mouth for awhile. And I know I will have headaches, but in the end I know I'll be glad I had the surgery %26amp; hopefully my nose will be prettier. Good luck.
  • face make up remover
  • What's the best way to carry the laptop inside the checked-in suit cases, without any damanges?

    I'm travelling alone with my baby, so I am in no mood or ability to carry a lap top along with her stuff and mine. It has to go inside the checked suit case. Any ideas on how to protect it from damage? I cannot use the original box either. It takes up too much space.What's the best way to carry the laptop inside the checked-in suit cases, without any damanges?
    I wouldn't check my laptop. I carry it or it doesn't go. Baggage is often rifled through and items stolen, or the whole bag just disappears to cover up the theft.What's the best way to carry the laptop inside the checked-in suit cases, without any damanges?
    There is no way. You can put it into any container you like, but there will still be a high chance of damaged due to impact or shock due to the way the machinery and baggage handlers treat peoples luggage.

    If you dont want to carry it yourself, the best advice is not to take it at all.
    you can keep in the middle of the cloths. for example keep the laptop between 4 pants and 4 shirts nothing will heppen

    i am doing this from last 6 Years.I too hate carrying the laptops while flying
    will your laptop bag fit in there? otherwise if you can get your hands on some of that bubble wrap or even the soft foam, or any thing else to give it some kind of padding

    Why the number of divorce cases are increasing in our society?

    Husband and wife relationships have become so fragile that it seems like we are moving towards the western culture.Why the number of divorce cases are increasing in our society?
    1) people mistake Like and Lust for love

    2) people are not prepared for all the work, compromise and forgiveness involved in marriage

    3) People believe that is is easier to cut their losses and move on rather than stay and work at a relationship. It never is, but it sometimes appears that way (greener grass somewhere else)

    4) lack of communication and completely open honesty

    5) Jealousy. Often unfounded and stemming from personal insecurity.

    6) Lack of consideration and understanding for the feelings, needs and wants of your partner.

    7) Finances are bad and somehow they think things will be better apart. This only compounds the problem, but they convince themselves otherwise.

    8) Abuse. Physical and or mental. It is used as a common excuse for divorce, but the numbers are not there to support it.

    Finally: finances are the major reason, and usually it gets much worse after the divorce. (If there is no money when together, how will there be any after the divorce. The reasoning escapes most people when finance is concerned). Abuse is a commonly used and overused approach to use but is hard to prove and is more often than not directed at a partner for the wrong reason. To make them look bad. It usually backfires and has the opposite effect.

    Unfairly painting someone with it always comes back to bite the wrongful accuser and paint them as the one to avoid. There are valid cases of it, but not nearly as many as people think.

    Thats the most covered reasons.Why the number of divorce cases are increasing in our society?
    The only reason why you are moving towards the western culture is because you actually WANT to. Don't blame the west, if you don't like western values, then don't send your kids to the west, stay in India and practice your own culture. The reason why western values are creeping in is because, admit it, is because that is what some people want, they want the ways of the west, but with great western things like independence, freedom for women, equality, just to mention a few, comes things like divorce. Take the good with the bad, but the fact is, divorce is not always bad. Look, the empowerment of women in India has allowed females to walk away from situations that don't work for them, like crappy arranged marriages Good for them... men in India have been on top for too long, look to your very OWN behaviour and ask what you can do to embrace these changing times, don't go blaming other cultures. Fess up: MEN IN INDIA NEED TO CHANGE.
    Two reasons -

    1) People are too quick to divorce because it is easier than fixing what is wrong.

    2) A lot of people are getting married who shouldn't be married. They aren't in love but they think they are. Or they think that marriage is just something you're supposed to do when you love someone or after you've been in a relationship for a while. They don't get what it is or what it means so they don't take it seriously. 'We are in love so we are going to get married!' Wrong. Loving someone and wanting to marry them are actually two totally different things. Too many people don't realize that. Those couples are doomed from the beginning.
    the new ';self-esteem'; and ';eveyone deserves happiness'; and instant gratification, female financial independace not to mention the feminist movement that weakened family values (women refusing to cook, clean, child-rear).
    because people get married 2 resolve issues in their relationship and because of traditional pressures not because they can see themselves 2getha when they r 80!...besides who need marriage...???...u can have happiness and comittment without the a piece of paper!!!

    cellar door - its about time u crawled out of the darkness sweety!!!...feminism didn't knock family values!!!...and CLEANING is NOT a family value!!! duh!
    i think gradually we are becoming mor and more individualistic in our approach. we are loosing our tolerence levels.
    Actually it's not. Recent data shows that divorces peaked around 1990 and have been slightly dropping ever since.

    At least in the US.
    Because folk are less tolerate of each other and actions that they find unworthy of remaining married to.
    Divorces are so easily obtained.
    Becaues of biased and foolish laws like IPC 498a and DV act.
    What culture?

    Know of a dermatologist in the Houston area with experience in treating difficult cases?

    I have been to many different dermatologists in my life to treat a chronic skin condition. I have new insurance. Can anyone recommend a highly skilled dermatologist in the Houston area that is experienced in complicated presentations?Know of a dermatologist in the Houston area with experience in treating difficult cases?
    This probably isn't the answer you are looking for but I often have patients skin conditions dramatically improve when I treat them with normal Diversified chiropractic.

    Get a good one of an HMO you may be very surprised how well it works. I assume since you've had it for years you are open to new ideas.

    It works through releasing pressure from the nerves which exit the spinal column and regulate the skin functions.

    And the worst thing that can happen is you'll have better posture and a much looser neck and back.

    How much baby powder does it take to make a baby? Bought 6 cases at Costco, mixed with water, still no baby?

    I started off with one bottle of baby powder, mixed it with water,,,nothing. Tried 2, nothing.. Bought 6 cases, Still nothing. Its just a lumpy mess, and no baby. How much baby powder must I buy for this transformation to occur? How long should I wait?How much baby powder does it take to make a baby? Bought 6 cases at Costco, mixed with water, still no baby?
    LMAO....silly you gotta send that mixture to the stork....wait and then he will bring you a babbyHow much baby powder does it take to make a baby? Bought 6 cases at Costco, mixed with water, still no baby?
    You have to mix 16 oz Baby Powder with 8 oz Baby Oil then add 4 oz Baby Lotion and 1.5 oz Baby Bath, place in the oven at 275 for 9 hours
    You must mix the powder with a milky substance.
    Don't be silly. Making babies? This is ridiculous. Everybody knows you buy them from Mothercare - I think someone has been having you on a bit here.
    You forgot to shake the magical rattle
    You don't mix it with water, you fool! You use baby oil! Wait 9 months and check your cabbage patch.
    Did you get baby oil? That should help.

    Or maybe Baby Magic (it's a lotion)
    You forgot to add an egg and some cream.

    Edit: Dang it, Munkey!
    You left out the sperm and egg
    You have to stir it with your magic stirring stick man...duh!!

    Why doesn't Nancy Grace Also Include a Passionate tyrate on other recent cases of kids left in the car?

    I haven't seen Nancy Grace go off on other cases where a mom or dad left the kid in the car while shopping. She seems so concerned about the guy and brothel as opposed to other incidencens!

    Isn't it the same for the kid, whether or not a brothel was involved?Why doesn't Nancy Grace Also Include a Passionate tyrate on other recent cases of kids left in the car?
    Oh, but she has gone off on the other cases.

    I think you need to find something else to obsess about. If you dont' like the way Nancy does her show, maybe it is time for you to watch something else. . .Why doesn't Nancy Grace Also Include a Passionate tyrate on other recent cases of kids left in the car?
    You obviously do not watch Nancy Grace very much. She has had extensive coverage of the mom that couldn't find a sitter so left her kids in the car all day and both died. She goes off on crazy *** people that commit senseless crimes. She is an avid speaker for victim rights. She also provides pictures of missing kids on her show to try to help find these children.
    First of all, she's not on the air 24/7. That's how much time she would need to properly report. Additionally, what's with the ';brothel'; thing?

    How do you change computer cases?

    Can anyone help me with this? Is there any thing required? Or can you basically just take the motherboard of any computer and easily place it into a bigger computer case?How do you change computer cases?
    If your computer is branded (Dell, HP, Gateway, Compaq, Acer, whatever else you could buy at a retail store like Best Buy), then you won't be able to without switching out the motherboard. Most larger companies have their boards custom designed to only fit their cases, which creates a catch-22 of sorts.

    If it is something you built, then it's a pretty easy process that doesn't require anything other than the new case, old components, a screwdriver, and a little free time.How do you change computer cases?
    you need a screw driver, preferably magnetised philips head, and maybe a drill and bits to drill holes
    You must take out everything individually. You cant just pull the motherboard out with everything still attached.

    Remove the hard drive, video/sound/LAN cards and then remove the mother board.

    With your new case, you do everything you just did, just in reverse order. Motherboard first, then all your other parts.

    Make sure you handle all the parts with extreme care and ground yourself (touch something that is metal and planted into the ground) because if static electricity touches your hard drive, everything could possibly be erased.

    Good luck!
    take everything out, put it in the new one
    Yes, as long as the case supports your hardware's form factor (basically it's size) like ATX or micro-ATX. All you need is a philips screwdriver, maybe a flat-head one too and needle-nose pliers to pick up small things. Also, get an ESD wrist band if possible.

    Remember, when you go to move around this very delicate hardware such as your motherboard, RAM etc., you can destroy it with static electricity. Make sure you either ground yourself with an ESD wrist band before proceeding, or touch a metal part of the computer case before picking something up.

    Your motherboard's documentation should help if you need detailed instructions on how to mount and unmount it.
  • face make up remover
  • Anyone know anything about court cases involving students being injured by book bag straps?

    not planning on doing this but I need info for school if someone has any info.Anyone know anything about court cases involving students being injured by book bag straps?
    just shoulder %26amp; back problems from wearing them on one side only

    Have you seen how many cases of deformity in India?

    The two faces child, the six legs little girl, the baby looking like a fish, the furriest kid in the world etc. They're all incredible cases of deformity and illness and they're all from India. I've read that the EU is planning to ban the fish from the Indian ocean because of the heavy pollution of that sea. Is there anything strange and dangerous happening in India?

    This is a serious question, needing serious answers, not jokes...Have you seen how many cases of deformity in India?
    There are many cases where the parents actually purposely deform or harm the children so as they are more effective beggars.Have you seen how many cases of deformity in India?
    I was just thinking about this subject, I agree the close bloodlines must have something to do with it, I still hold on to the option that there could be something deeper involved behind the curtains as well.

    Report Abuse

    I was just having this conversation with a buddy of mine ... He said it was because in India they marry cousins and close relatives ... therefore having deformed children due to the blood line being to close... This has become a serious problem over there ... although they believe it is a miracle...
    There are many cases where the parents actually purposely deform or harm the children so as they are more effective beggars.

    Where can you find good cases for LG Voyager?

    I want to find like a fashion case for the LG Voyager? What is going to be my best bet?Where can you find good cases for LG Voyager?
    probaly the cell phone store you got it fromWhere can you find good cases for LG Voyager?
    Ebay will most likely have what you want.
    a store. DUH
    I got my cover on E bay. Very cheap and free shipping.

    What are some interesting legal cases in the UK?

    I need to write an essay on a legal case for school, and I was wondering if there was a particularly interesting, fascinating, confusing, awe-inspiring type of case that anyone knows about that would be genuinely interesting to read into?

    Cheers.What are some interesting legal cases in the UK?
    Try this http://www.murderuk.com/ or if that is too grim, look up the history of the The Rule Against Perpetuity.

    How can i get my cushins back in there cases? There big foam cushins and i washed the case an now they wont go

    i didnt shrink them or anything, its just that they dont want to go in right.How can i get my cushins back in there cases? There big foam cushins and i washed the case an now they wont go
    Have I got the answer for you....

    put them in a trash bag... use your vaccuum to suck out air and make them smaller....slide them in.....

    Once they're in, you can tear the trash bag to get it out.

    Easy as pie!How can i get my cushins back in there cases? There big foam cushins and i washed the case an now they wont go
    Next time you wash them, its too late now! Make sure they are slightly damp and put them on damp.

    No suggestions for completely dry ones!
    you have to fight with them i had the same problem if you try and fold the cushion in half and then put it in the cover then once in let it go you might stand a better chance
    That's funny!!! I know just what you mean. Nana Green is right you have to fight with them. I had the same problem with a chair, My Granddaughter was eating Ice Cream Hot Fudge, I couldn't wipe it off so I took the cover off and washed it, I don't even dry it I hung it and it took me forever to get it back on. Good Luck

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    Where can I find court cases for citation?

    I'm preparing to call Verizon Customer Support in an attempt to use the material adverse clause of the customer agreement to get out of our contract without an early termination fee. Since people have done this before, and have probably taken it to court as well, I'd like to find past court cases dealing with this for use when I'm talking to Customer Support. Is there some sort of archive for this?Where can I find court cases for citation?
    1 - Cheap first, try Google and Yahoo.

    #2 - If that fails you can try Westlaw or Lexis/Nexis. Both have fees and can be a bit of a pain for an non-atty to use.

    Does anyone know where I can find or the name of a solving cases book?

    Years ago I had a book which would detail a (fictional) crime that had been committed and it was like the reader was the detective showing up at the scene and you were supposed to solve the crime based on the evidence there. The answers were in the book and some were quite challenging. So it was kind of a do it yourself detective solving cases book. Does anyone know any other books like this?Does anyone know where I can find or the name of a solving cases book?
    Here you go:


    Hope thats the one!

    Why do only some murder cases get national attention when murders happen ever day?

    Like the Stacy Peterson murder case, it was a huge national story but these type of cases happen all the time and are unheard of nationally.Why do only some murder cases get national attention when murders happen ever day?
    Simply watch the news stories about murders that get national attention and you will figure out which ones tend to get the most attention. Those involving children make the list, especially if the murder itself is particularly gruesome. Those involving children of rich people seem to make the list quite often, especially if the parents have enough money to buy their own air time. Murders involving well known people always get major attention, as do those committed by well known people. And, of course, if the murder victim happens to be white, female, good looking, under the age of 30, and from a well-to-do family there is a very good chance it will get some level of national attention.Why do only some murder cases get national attention when murders happen ever day?
    There is no simple answer to such question...Personally I have had three brothers murdered in three different states/years %26amp; circumstances...One of my brothers received quite extensive TV time in the beginning locally due to the brutality %26amp; individuals involved. However, many do NOT receive such exposure...to be honest with you, I would have rather-ed LESS exposure...however, journalist thrive like bees swarming toward the nest when a story has the fascinating/capturing or often time gruesome details that the public seems to feel drawn towards... I empathize as well as sympathize with those who must experience the painful %26amp; often times unfairly reported information about their loved ones demise~ Having been there %26amp; struggled through three years of court hearing %26amp; a lifetime now of being associated with the parole system I can positively say ';NO ONE gains from such exploitation...UNLESS it is to find a lost/stolen/kidnapped etc...loved one... Such exposure is %26amp; can be quite excruciating to those who must suffer the inconsistencies as well as inadequacies of information as well as the way their loved one is portrayed!
    Assume you are talking about murders that are recognized as murders. Those that are published are those that will inflame the populace the most. Routine murders are reported locally. Those that are sensational or involve well known people are published widely because they get the most interest from the most people. Also, like Stacey, the press can evoke interest by pushing it in your face hour after hour.
    I guess you hear about the creepiest oens because it sells much easier than the mundane unsensational ones.

    I know it sounds terrible . But newscasting is a business and they want readers.
    Stacy or Laci? Stacy Peterson has never been found. The answer to your question is ';ratings.';
    Because there's not enough time in a 30 minute news cast to feature all the murderers that occur in a single day.
    Media, Money, %26amp; NANCY GRACE.

    Are there any real life cases in which a murder victim communicates after death to help solve the crime?

    In fiction, I can think of Edgar Allen Poe's The Telltale Heart.

    But are there documented real life cases?Are there any real life cases in which a murder victim communicates after death to help solve the crime?
    John Edwards, James Van Praagh and other top psychics all have stories to tell of aiding police departments. You don't hear much about it because these kind people don't want the limelight, they want to see justice and glorify God. Their ability is a gift, not to be flouted.Are there any real life cases in which a murder victim communicates after death to help solve the crime?
    ya, done so quietly the police and court system are completely unaware of it as well.

    You people will believe anything

    Report Abuse

    There have been many cases where that people appear to get information that was before unknown, however they could just be very good detectives pretending to be psychic for publicity. Or perhaps their subconscious does the work and they really think they are psychic. Or perhaps they actually are psychic and it is something that as of yet science cannot prove.
    No because being dead means that you can't do anything at all including communicating.

    Those people that claim to be communicating with murder victims either just retell informtion that is already available or say something so vague that where ever the body is found they claim it as a hit - such as near water or near trees.

    Syliva Browne is particularly good at getting it wrong.
    Not a single one.

    There is also not a single case on record where a so called ';psychic'; actually helped solve a case, though many of the famous ones make those claims. John Edwards, James van Pragh, Sylvia Browne, Allison Dubois....all have made claims of helping police...all are false.

    Don't be so naive.
    None that could survive the scrutiny of modern science.

    Usually if a victim communicates after death, it was a case where they left behind a clue or a recording that was merely *found* after death.
    Only by providing clues to the Medical Examiner, the Pathologists, the Forensic Specialists, and the Detectives.
    Nope. I don't think it's possible. I believe it ghosts but if they show themselves its usually not good. lol.
    No, are many tales of it, but science refute them all.
    I do know that many police departments have used psychics to help solved murder or death crimes,I have seen a lot of programs on t.v. dealing with this.Being that I am a believer in the paranormal because of my life time experiences with it,I do think that it could happen in real life.Very interesting question and intriguing on your part!
    yea had an experience once where a dead person contacted me, and told me something that turned out to be true months later, never had contact since or do i want to, most scariest thing ever, DO NT mess with this kind of thing is my advice, your minds never sure if whats happening is happening? but yea contact with the dead is possible so long as you agree to except their presence first,but like i say dangerous, and scary,
    yea theres a program called sensing murder

    Are there any documented cases of people having memories from previous lives?

    Siddhārtha Gautama remembered all of his previous lives, but most of us are not as wise as he was. Are there any convincing stories of people that remember previous lives? I once heard an interesting story of a small boy that knew so much about fishing without being taught. His father asked him when he learned all of this, and the boy's response was ';When I was older';.Are there any documented cases of people having memories from previous lives?
    Read the classic study by Dr. Ian Stevenson, ';Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation';. He taught at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

    Another fascinating book is ';Across Time and Death: A Mother's Search for Her Past Life Children'; by Jenny Cockell.Are there any documented cases of people having memories from previous lives?
    I read somewhere that birthmarks (such as moles) are markings from a past life. I have a birthmark on my neck, and the spot where it is always gives me anxiety? Weird, mabey its hoe i died in a past life?...
    Look up Ian Stevenson.

    Edit- The question was asking for documented cases of reincarnation. Ian Stevenson did just that - he documented cases of reincarnation!
    It seems that the only ones I've ever heard are the same ones. There's an urban legend based on the Weekly World News feel about them. The name Stephenson comes to mind, and a boy in India.
    There are many related in ';The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying'; by Sogyal Rinpoche. But no scientific documentation that I am aware of.
    The ';spirit/entity'; that possess he/her remembers, not he/her as a person.
    Sorry, I do not believe in Reincarnation

    altho Reincarnation makes more sense than heaven/hell
    I'm reading the book ';Spook'; now -- it's the first chapter. Interesting.
    Anecdotes are mostly nonsense.
    OH! Memories..... (embarassed) I thought you said hemorroids.
    Yes. And it's just as untrue as any religious mumbo jumbo.
    I've seen some reports of it. I didn't dig deeply into them, but on the surface at least, they were inexplicable.

    Documented? I guess we could all make up something. Just how would we prove it?
    None that I know of.
    Not that I know of
    no it is just dreams.....there are no previous lives....

    Does anyone know where I can find or the name of a solving cases book?

    Years ago I had a book which would detail a (fictional) crime that had been committed and it was like the reader was the detective showing up at the scene and you were supposed to solve the crime based on the evidence there. The answers were in the book and some were quite challenging. So it was kind of a do it yourself detective solving cases book. Does anyone know any other books like this?Does anyone know where I can find or the name of a solving cases book?
    Here you go:


    Hope thats the one!
  • face make up remover
  • Why do only some murder cases get national attention when murders happen ever day?

    Like the Stacy Peterson murder case, it was a huge national story but these type of cases happen all the time and are unheard of nationally.Why do only some murder cases get national attention when murders happen ever day?
    Simply watch the news stories about murders that get national attention and you will figure out which ones tend to get the most attention. Those involving children make the list, especially if the murder itself is particularly gruesome. Those involving children of rich people seem to make the list quite often, especially if the parents have enough money to buy their own air time. Murders involving well known people always get major attention, as do those committed by well known people. And, of course, if the murder victim happens to be white, female, good looking, under the age of 30, and from a well-to-do family there is a very good chance it will get some level of national attention.Why do only some murder cases get national attention when murders happen ever day?
    There is no simple answer to such question...Personally I have had three brothers murdered in three different states/years %26amp; circumstances...One of my brothers received quite extensive TV time in the beginning locally due to the brutality %26amp; individuals involved. However, many do NOT receive such exposure...to be honest with you, I would have rather-ed LESS exposure...however, journalist thrive like bees swarming toward the nest when a story has the fascinating/capturing or often time gruesome details that the public seems to feel drawn towards... I empathize as well as sympathize with those who must experience the painful %26amp; often times unfairly reported information about their loved ones demise~ Having been there %26amp; struggled through three years of court hearing %26amp; a lifetime now of being associated with the parole system I can positively say ';NO ONE gains from such exploitation...UNLESS it is to find a lost/stolen/kidnapped etc...loved one... Such exposure is %26amp; can be quite excruciating to those who must suffer the inconsistencies as well as inadequacies of information as well as the way their loved one is portrayed!
    Assume you are talking about murders that are recognized as murders. Those that are published are those that will inflame the populace the most. Routine murders are reported locally. Those that are sensational or involve well known people are published widely because they get the most interest from the most people. Also, like Stacey, the press can evoke interest by pushing it in your face hour after hour.
    I guess you hear about the creepiest oens because it sells much easier than the mundane unsensational ones.

    I know it sounds terrible . But newscasting is a business and they want readers.
    Stacy or Laci? Stacy Peterson has never been found. The answer to your question is ';ratings.';
    Because there's not enough time in a 30 minute news cast to feature all the murderers that occur in a single day.
    Media, Money, %26amp; NANCY GRACE.

    Are there any real life cases in which a murder victim communicates after death to help solve the crime?

    In fiction, I can think of Edgar Allen Poe's The Telltale Heart.

    But are there documented real life cases?Are there any real life cases in which a murder victim communicates after death to help solve the crime?
    John Edwards, James Van Praagh and other top psychics all have stories to tell of aiding police departments. You don't hear much about it because these kind people don't want the limelight, they want to see justice and glorify God. Their ability is a gift, not to be flouted.Are there any real life cases in which a murder victim communicates after death to help solve the crime?
    ya, done so quietly the police and court system are completely unaware of it as well.

    You people will believe anything

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    There have been many cases where that people appear to get information that was before unknown, however they could just be very good detectives pretending to be psychic for publicity. Or perhaps their subconscious does the work and they really think they are psychic. Or perhaps they actually are psychic and it is something that as of yet science cannot prove.
    No because being dead means that you can't do anything at all including communicating.

    Those people that claim to be communicating with murder victims either just retell informtion that is already available or say something so vague that where ever the body is found they claim it as a hit - such as near water or near trees.

    Syliva Browne is particularly good at getting it wrong.
    Not a single one.

    There is also not a single case on record where a so called ';psychic'; actually helped solve a case, though many of the famous ones make those claims. John Edwards, James van Pragh, Sylvia Browne, Allison Dubois....all have made claims of helping police...all are false.

    Don't be so naive.
    None that could survive the scrutiny of modern science.

    Usually if a victim communicates after death, it was a case where they left behind a clue or a recording that was merely *found* after death.
    Only by providing clues to the Medical Examiner, the Pathologists, the Forensic Specialists, and the Detectives.
    Nope. I don't think it's possible. I believe it ghosts but if they show themselves its usually not good. lol.
    No, are many tales of it, but science refute them all.
    I do know that many police departments have used psychics to help solved murder or death crimes,I have seen a lot of programs on t.v. dealing with this.Being that I am a believer in the paranormal because of my life time experiences with it,I do think that it could happen in real life.Very interesting question and intriguing on your part!
    yea had an experience once where a dead person contacted me, and told me something that turned out to be true months later, never had contact since or do i want to, most scariest thing ever, DO NT mess with this kind of thing is my advice, your minds never sure if whats happening is happening? but yea contact with the dead is possible so long as you agree to except their presence first,but like i say dangerous, and scary,
    yea theres a program called sensing murder

    Are there any documented cases of people having memories from previous lives?

    Siddhārtha Gautama remembered all of his previous lives, but most of us are not as wise as he was. Are there any convincing stories of people that remember previous lives? I once heard an interesting story of a small boy that knew so much about fishing without being taught. His father asked him when he learned all of this, and the boy's response was ';When I was older';.Are there any documented cases of people having memories from previous lives?
    Read the classic study by Dr. Ian Stevenson, ';Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation';. He taught at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

    Another fascinating book is ';Across Time and Death: A Mother's Search for Her Past Life Children'; by Jenny Cockell.Are there any documented cases of people having memories from previous lives?
    I read somewhere that birthmarks (such as moles) are markings from a past life. I have a birthmark on my neck, and the spot where it is always gives me anxiety? Weird, mabey its hoe i died in a past life?...
    Look up Ian Stevenson.

    Edit- The question was asking for documented cases of reincarnation. Ian Stevenson did just that - he documented cases of reincarnation!
    It seems that the only ones I've ever heard are the same ones. There's an urban legend based on the Weekly World News feel about them. The name Stephenson comes to mind, and a boy in India.
    There are many related in ';The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying'; by Sogyal Rinpoche. But no scientific documentation that I am aware of.
    The ';spirit/entity'; that possess he/her remembers, not he/her as a person.
    Sorry, I do not believe in Reincarnation

    altho Reincarnation makes more sense than heaven/hell
    I'm reading the book ';Spook'; now -- it's the first chapter. Interesting.
    Anecdotes are mostly nonsense.
    OH! Memories..... (embarassed) I thought you said hemorroids.
    Yes. And it's just as untrue as any religious mumbo jumbo.
    I've seen some reports of it. I didn't dig deeply into them, but on the surface at least, they were inexplicable.

    Documented? I guess we could all make up something. Just how would we prove it?
    None that I know of.
    Not that I know of
    no it is just dreams.....there are no previous lives....

    Where can I sell extra wood molding for window and door cases?

    I have an extra 1200' linear feet of solid walnut door casing molding from a job. It is a classical profile, 1 1/2'; thick by 5 3/4'; wide. I want to just sell it at the cost I bought it at so I don't lose my shirt on this deal.Where can I sell extra wood molding for window and door cases?
    ebayWhere can I sell extra wood molding for window and door cases?
    Wow! That is a lot of ';extra'; molding. Give the tape to someone else next time.(sorry, couldn't help myself) Seriously though, Craigslist is a great way to sell locally. you may have to take a hit on it though just to move it quickly. Kinda a specialized moulding but with a cheaper price someone may decide this is a nice way to go. You gotta give em a reason to come to you.
    ask a craft store

    Whats the little metallic O ring for that comes with computer cases?

    I've built computers for years but I've never really paid any attention to it. What purpose does that little metal O ring do for the computer? I think on most computers the front panel connections are ran though it like the power and reset switch, and the led lights. The newest case I got though has it in a bag and makes no reference to it in the manual.Whats the little metallic O ring for that comes with computer cases?
    ';It is called toroidal ferrite core. You are supposed to wrap your wires through and around it a couple of times (the signal cables from the case to the motherboard) to construct a toroidal choke. A toroidal choke is an inductor. It's purpose is to reduce AC interference (RFI) on a DC cable.'; -- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?鈥?/a>Whats the little metallic O ring for that comes with computer cases?
    do you mean that peice of metal that is sticking out in the back? its to put a security cable if the computer is used in a public place (ie library)
    It's your ';Ohh ring';

    How come our border patrol is becoming as corrupted as Mexico 400 cases of corruption of public officials?

    How come our border patrol is becoming as corrupted as Mexico 400 cases of corruption of public officials alone ?Corruption on the border

    The US FBI detected more than 400 cases of corruption of public officials along the border in the past two years. In 2009, there have been 130 formal accusations and a hundred arrests of officials of that country for alleged links to organized crime. This information was from a report delivered to the US Congress last month by Director Robert S Mueller. He said combating corruption along the border is a priority.How come our border patrol is becoming as corrupted as Mexico 400 cases of corruption of public officials?
    I dont know but thats crazy i live in the border with mexico in texas and man i am scared to go to mexico because of the corrupted people over there but now days you cant even trust your own brothers and sisters.. thats crazy.. i alwayed looked up to them polices and boder patrols with respect for their jobs but now i dont know what to think... =]How come our border patrol is becoming as corrupted as Mexico 400 cases of corruption of public officials?
    There are a lot of interest running around the border. What do you think??? Do you really think that US agents are angels??? Just read a little bit more about the real history...like the reason why Afghanistan has same weapons as US army...mmm...try to think about it a little bit...maybe, just maybe, US sold them those weapons on the 80's when he was using them to fight those communist of the former USSR, those ';';';devilish people';';'; ( as US called them, do not forget the Cold War sues against anyone...even actors...)

    Anyways, watch news from other countries that nowadays do not censor all the news like US is well known for.
    I would like to see names of those alleged ';corrupted'; border patrolmen,..could be Homeland security office is putting too many V. Foxes to watch the border(chicken house.) Last big corrupted border official arrested was also an V.Fox-(know what I mean?-a Hispanic.)
    DId Robert S Mueller go down there to look at the cases himself? You can get a sheet of paper and fill it with lies and send it to congress. Those idiots will believe what it says. Personally, I cant believe it till I see it.
    The drug cartel use women to lure men into their web.. The border patrol has thousands of workers so 400 cases is 400 to many
    Comes to show that Americans will do any job, even the crooked ones if the money is right LOL!
    Mucho dinero
    our entire gov't is corrupted that i know as for the border patrol seeing is believing
  • face make up remover
  • Where can I find cases for iPhone 1st generation?

    Anyone have some suggestions? I tried to search on internet and result is not enough. It seems not easy to find some place where can buy a good case for my 1st generation iPhone.Where can I find cases for iPhone 1st generation?
    Try http://www.uxsight.com/category/168303/i鈥?/a>

    They still offer a wide range of cases for iPhone 1st gen, and the prices are reasonable.Where can I find cases for iPhone 1st generation?
    I Dont Know If This Will Help, But I Sell Them, I Still Have A Few,

    Try buy from http://www.more-thing.com
    why dont you check an at%26amp;t store! :)

    Are there any court cases assosiated with the 18th ammendment?

    I can't seem to find any court cases related to prohibition.Are there any court cases assosiated with the 18th ammendment?
    Its been repealed...no rulings were handed down before repeal

    What are some court cases that have challenged the Constitution?

    Question explains it all.What are some court cases that have challenged the Constitution?
    None, as no part of the Constitution can be declared unconstitutional by a court.

    Where can I buy cases of coconut milk wholesale?

    I want cases of this for personal use because I'm on a coconut diet. I don't want to pay high prices and want to buy it about 4 cases at a time. Where can I possibly buy it here in the United States to avoid high shipping costs from overseas?Where can I buy cases of coconut milk wholesale?
    You can get the list of wholesale suppliers of coconut milk from B2B websites with their contact details. Try http://www.hellotrade.com/business/food-鈥?/a> or http://www.globalsources.com. These B2B websites have listed hundreds of suppliers and you can contact them directly from these websites for free.Where can I buy cases of coconut milk wholesale?
    If you are looking for coconut water for your diet you really want to look at ORGANIC coconuts. The coconut water on the markets are not organic. Vita coco and other like them pasteurize the coconut water which can make it lose most of its health and taste qualities. And the young Thai coconuts from the Asian stores are shipped in from over seas and are dipped in formaldehyde and shipping wax and are grown with heavy uses of pesticides and preserves.... So not good for you.

    Organic coconuts do not have as long of a shelf life but you get the 100% natural and organic qualities of coconut water and do NOT lose any of the health or taste qualities.

    Now it is hard to find organic coconuts in any store outside of Florida because they are not grown anywhere else in the US besides South Florida.

    However, we sell and ship Fresh organic Coconuts nation wide through our website. Normally they are 2.50 each plus shipping but until July 5th they are on sale for 2.00 each. We also sell coconut opening tools which will let you open a whole coconut in under 20 seconds. Watch the video on our homepage to see how it works.

    You can also look at health qualities, how to grow them, and the nutritional value of coconuts as well. We give a bunch of information on coconuts at our website http://www.cocojoescoconuts.com

    I hope this helped and feel free to call me with any questions 407 353 8388

    Coco Joe

    CHAOKOH COCONUT MILK 13.5 OZ = $1.39

    it is from amazon.com
    Look for Asian or Indian food distributors. There are a lot here on the west coast. If there are none in your area, check cities near San Francisco (there is at least Santos Foods in San Leandro) and call to see if they'll ship to you.
    is there a wholesale store in your town, like Sam's, etc

    How to find out if a company has been involved in law cases?

    hi, i am doing a research on a company call Alphacom based in New Zealand. Where can i find out if that company has been involved in any legal disputes in the past 2-3 years?How to find out if a company has been involved in law cases?
    Check the courts if there were cases that were filed against Alphacom.How to find out if a company has been involved in law cases?
    Check out the Better Business Bureau. They are online %26amp; should have an easy answer or place to look. It's their business to know. You could also see if they are in wikipedia. Hope this helps.
  • face make up remover
  • What are the most controversial not guilty by reasons of insanity cases for the insanity defenses?

    So far I have:

    John W. Hinckley - Depression

    Andrea Yates - Psychosis (loss of contact with reality)

    Andrew Goldstein - Schizophrenia

    Debra Jean Beasley - Bipolar

    Daniel M'Naghten - Paranoid Delusions

    Lisa M. Montgomery - Pseudocyesis (causes women to falsely believe she is pregnant %26amp; exhibit outward signs of pregnant)

    If anyone else has any suggestions it would be great appreciated.What are the most controversial not guilty by reasons of insanity cases for the insanity defenses?
    While I am not familiar with a few of those the Andrea Yates one really irks me. Remember that was her second trial....first time she was found guilty.

    There were IMO clear signs of premeditation with that case.What are the most controversial not guilty by reasons of insanity cases for the insanity defenses?
    In your opinion, what is controversial about those verdicts?

    What do you call someone who uses advance mathematics to solve criminal cases?

    A good successful Detective.

    Detectives trained in profiling will use graphs, charts and maps that are in grids to solve crimes. A profiler in lets say a rape case will try to figure out where the rapist lives by placing the other rapes on a city map grid to compare there locations.

    Accident reconstruction investigators use a lot of math to solve various problems. They need to know how long a vehicle took to stop. How fast the vehicle was traveling. How fast it was going when hit an object.

    A lot of problems involving math and physics.What do you call someone who uses advance mathematics to solve criminal cases?
    An extremely smart person, bordering on a nerd. But that's OK! Advanced math is used by odds makers in Vegas and atomic bomb makers alike. Math is here for a reason and most people don't get a chance to use advanced mathematics in their career or every day life. He's probably a happy person because that crap he learned in college is finally paying off. Or did you mean what is the term for one who uses mathematics to solve crime?

    How do you think supreme court of 30 years ago would decide cases of today?

    would the decisions be the same or drastically different? If different, what does this say about how the country is different today?How do you think supreme court of 30 years ago would decide cases of today?
    More common sense would be involved.

    Why do a lot of people scoff at using psychics in police cases?

    I know a lot of people who just scoff at psychics. I've had a few readings and nothing has ever come of them. But I don't label them all frauds. A lot of police departments use them. However, are they ever given any credit if they are right on the mark and the person is found due to their information? I know if they don't come up with anything, they are automatically labeled frauds. Lots of times the psychics are called in very late as a last resort. I'm sorry, I'd let the police do their work but I sure as heck would also be working the other end with a psychic covering all bases. Who cares who is right in the end as long as your loved one is found?Why do a lot of people scoff at using psychics in police cases?
    Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. I personally don't believe in psychics, but am in favor or anything that helps solve crimes. There are enough documented cases where information from psychics *has* proved accurate. Coincidence? Perhaps, but to scoff at the possibility is true ignorance.Why do a lot of people scoff at using psychics in police cases?
    Psychics who claim to help police, are, down to the last, frauds and liars. Sylvia Browne comes easily to mind. She has never aided anyone in the solving of a crime. No psychic has, but no one seems to be interested in the truth. Scam artists and liars get the benefit of the doubt.

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    I don't believe in psychics. I believe in simple coincidences or lucky guesses. But psychics, in general, are scammers. They just say they're what they are, to make money. And because of that, idiots tend to fall into their little mind tricks, just to see who they'll fall in love with or when they'll fall in love or what kind of job they'll have in the near future. It's stupid, because you might not even fall in love, get that job, and whatever else the person is saying. But yeah, psychics aren't completely real, but in some cases, they might just be. I just see them as people, who use guesses as a way of scamming people out of their money.
    If psychic power had any real use. The government would have taken it and used it in the military by now.
    Because psychic powers do not exist and theses people are, in general, frauds out to make money from vulnerable people, You should read up on the case of the alleged psychic Sylvia Brown to get my point.
    Its important because we dont want to be wasting an investigators time chasing ';feelings'; about what happened. We want that person to be following leads, evidence, making rational decisions as thats the only known way to solve a crime. If he wastes his time following a psychic's feeling thats bad because thats time he could spend figuring out the crime.
    Why can't psychics predict lottery numbers?

    There is a lot more to life than what we know, but there is no proof that psychics work in any practical way.
    There are events that occur that cannot be described by our standard sciences and cannot easily be tested using the scientific method. There are many people who believe that anything that can't be explained by science is a hoax.

    I have a strong respect for science, but I do recognize that our current sciences do not have answers for all of the questions. There is still a great deal to learn. Psychics are using skills and detecting stimuli that cannot easily be measured using standard science. Does that mean that it doesn't exist, or maybe we need to adjust our understanding of science to include these ';unexplainable phenomenon';.

    There are fakers out there and scam artists. There are other people who actually have helped the police when they had no other clues. Why would the police continue to call psychics if they didn't believe that they could help resolve a case?

    In order to continue learning, we must all stay open minded but also be reasonable in our evaluations. The people who scoff at psychics have probably never met a real psychic or had any experiences that would cause them to question their beliefs. I don't fault them for their beliefs, but I do hope that they will meet somebody in the future that will help them to understand what they have been dismissing as fraud.
    My father has worked as a forensic scientist for most of his life. He says they are professional scammers or weird people who just get lucky sometimes. Hey, I'll believe my dad.

    Why do we need to add one to the number of cases when calculating the percentile?

    To calculate the value for pth percentile for the following marks:

    73, 58, 67, 93, 33, 18, 147

    We first need to sort them, right?

    So it becomes:

    18, 33, 58, 67, 73, 93, 147

    Since there are n=7 cases and suppose that I want to calculate the value for the 30th percentile.

    By using this formula: p*(n+1)

    0.30 * (7+1) = 2.4

    So the value for the 30th percentile is 33, am I right?

    But how come we need to add one to n?

    What is the purpose of doing that?

    Thanks a lot.Why do we need to add one to the number of cases when calculating the percentile?
    Actually, the 30%-tile is about 35.14.

    The first number (18) is at the 7.1%-tile, the second number (33) is at the 21.4%, and the third number (58) is at the 35.7%-tile. The last number is at the 92.9%-tile.

    I use the formula p = (x - 0.5) / n, which is the same as

    index x = p*n +0.5

    What are the best cases for a second generation iPod touch?

    Include manufacturer, price, features, a reason, and links if at all possible.What are the best cases for a second generation iPod touch?
    amazon, folio leather case, search hip case.What are the best cases for a second generation iPod touch?
    Belkin Components Remix Acrylic iPod Touch 2G -clear

    I got this at Target where I got my iPod touch. It came highly recommended by the person who sold me the iPod! Plus Belkin has been known to provide quality iPod accessory products!
  • face make up remover
  • Where can I find up to date results for reported swine flu cases?

    I'm ultimately curious to find out how many reported cases are in my county / state. Thanks!Where can I find up to date results for reported swine flu cases?
    They're not counting any more. It is a pandemic.Where can I find up to date results for reported swine flu cases?
    CDC, although it is not accurate they are taking surveillance from health departments and they are getting it from schools and er and drs but the test for H1N1 is $789 out of pocket and Dr.'s aren't testing using this test and sending people home with a diagnosis of H1n1 signs and symptoms not being for sure if that is even what it is also people with private insurances are getting the Tamiflu and people with medicaid aren't also if the Dr. knows you well or if you are high standing in the community Dr. will prescribe the Tamiflu

    Why there are more cases of heart attack in the morning and in toilet ?

    Is there any significance between heart attack and morning.

    As we get to hear of many cases where people have heart attack early morning or strange but true when person using the toilet in the morning. Is there any relation?Why there are more cases of heart attack in the morning and in toilet ?
    A doc I know just told me there's a theory going around that they think one possible reason for attacks in the early AM are that people are 'dry' dehydrated from a long slumber, and not replacing fluids. Makes sense, cause alot do happen early AM. Also, alot of people pass out on the pot, but look up 'vagal response' somewhere, it may explain it to you. It's where the vagus nerve gets stimulated, and drops the heart rate and B/P and that causes people topass out. Also the same thing can happen to people 'who see blood and pass out' 'have pain and pass out' 'pass out from something stressful.'Why there are more cases of heart attack in the morning and in toilet ?
    For some people, straining while they poop puts a burden on the heart. Also, early in the morning the platelets are ';stickier.';
    basically it's somewhat preexisting, enzymes in the blood vessels cause a clot to be on the verge of turning loose and acidosis has built up overnite because of the slowed metabolism and diminished pulmonary function, then the strain on the throne raises the blood pressure, the clot breaks loose and that's it
    It generally happens with person having constipation. In the toilet they exert more pressure to get the motion and a that time they get the heart attack.