Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why the number of divorce cases are increasing in our society?

Husband and wife relationships have become so fragile that it seems like we are moving towards the western culture.Why the number of divorce cases are increasing in our society?
1) people mistake Like and Lust for love

2) people are not prepared for all the work, compromise and forgiveness involved in marriage

3) People believe that is is easier to cut their losses and move on rather than stay and work at a relationship. It never is, but it sometimes appears that way (greener grass somewhere else)

4) lack of communication and completely open honesty

5) Jealousy. Often unfounded and stemming from personal insecurity.

6) Lack of consideration and understanding for the feelings, needs and wants of your partner.

7) Finances are bad and somehow they think things will be better apart. This only compounds the problem, but they convince themselves otherwise.

8) Abuse. Physical and or mental. It is used as a common excuse for divorce, but the numbers are not there to support it.

Finally: finances are the major reason, and usually it gets much worse after the divorce. (If there is no money when together, how will there be any after the divorce. The reasoning escapes most people when finance is concerned). Abuse is a commonly used and overused approach to use but is hard to prove and is more often than not directed at a partner for the wrong reason. To make them look bad. It usually backfires and has the opposite effect.

Unfairly painting someone with it always comes back to bite the wrongful accuser and paint them as the one to avoid. There are valid cases of it, but not nearly as many as people think.

Thats the most covered reasons.Why the number of divorce cases are increasing in our society?
The only reason why you are moving towards the western culture is because you actually WANT to. Don't blame the west, if you don't like western values, then don't send your kids to the west, stay in India and practice your own culture. The reason why western values are creeping in is because, admit it, is because that is what some people want, they want the ways of the west, but with great western things like independence, freedom for women, equality, just to mention a few, comes things like divorce. Take the good with the bad, but the fact is, divorce is not always bad. Look, the empowerment of women in India has allowed females to walk away from situations that don't work for them, like crappy arranged marriages Good for them... men in India have been on top for too long, look to your very OWN behaviour and ask what you can do to embrace these changing times, don't go blaming other cultures. Fess up: MEN IN INDIA NEED TO CHANGE.
Two reasons -

1) People are too quick to divorce because it is easier than fixing what is wrong.

2) A lot of people are getting married who shouldn't be married. They aren't in love but they think they are. Or they think that marriage is just something you're supposed to do when you love someone or after you've been in a relationship for a while. They don't get what it is or what it means so they don't take it seriously. 'We are in love so we are going to get married!' Wrong. Loving someone and wanting to marry them are actually two totally different things. Too many people don't realize that. Those couples are doomed from the beginning.
the new ';self-esteem'; and ';eveyone deserves happiness'; and instant gratification, female financial independace not to mention the feminist movement that weakened family values (women refusing to cook, clean, child-rear).
because people get married 2 resolve issues in their relationship and because of traditional pressures not because they can see themselves 2getha when they r 80!...besides who need marriage...???...u can have happiness and comittment without the a piece of paper!!!

cellar door - its about time u crawled out of the darkness sweety!!!...feminism didn't knock family values!!!...and CLEANING is NOT a family value!!! duh!
i think gradually we are becoming mor and more individualistic in our approach. we are loosing our tolerence levels.
Actually it's not. Recent data shows that divorces peaked around 1990 and have been slightly dropping ever since.

At least in the US.
Because folk are less tolerate of each other and actions that they find unworthy of remaining married to.
Divorces are so easily obtained.
Becaues of biased and foolish laws like IPC 498a and DV act.
What culture?

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