Saturday, August 7, 2010

What are the most prominent drugs I ,as an EMS worker, will be called on for in cases of overdose?







EctasyWhat are the most prominent drugs I ,as an EMS worker, will be called on for in cases of overdose?
My opinion is that the most common ';overdose'; you will see will be a combination of two or more drugs, such as alcohol and prescription narcotics or benzodiazepines, i.e. Vicodin and Xanax. Many people underestimate the multiplier effect that comes with using both drugs at the same time. Additionally, as EMS you can certainly expect to see all types of illicit, prescription, and OTC medication overdoses. The most common OTC overdose I have seen as an EMS professional is Advil in small children. The sugar coated tablets with writing on them are easily confused with candy coated chocolate. Some individuals also seem to be big fans of excessive amounts of cough syrup. On the prescription side, expect to see overdoses on meds like vicodin, norco, darvocet, and percocet. Be on the look out for anxiolytic medications such as Xanax, cloazepam and valium, all of which are easy to overdose on. The most common illicit drug I have come across is cocaine, but without a doubt you will deal with meth, heroin, pcp, and all the others on the list. Finally, this is rare but could be interesting in a paper: I've had a total of two patients that have managed to overdose on Ether, which is an organic solvent that used to be used as a general anesthetic, but has since been reserved almost exclusively for use in a laboratory setting. What are the most prominent drugs I ,as an EMS worker, will be called on for in cases of overdose?
It depends on where you live because some drugs are more prominent in certain areas, but a very high percentage of them will be for narcotics because there so easy to OD on, alcohol because people will assume passing out = OD, alcohol and xanax combo because dumbasses dont realize you cant do that, and tylenol because of cry-for-help suicide attempts.

It's much harder to OD of stimulant drugs so i doubt you'll be getting a lot of those calls.
By far the most common is alcohol. Various narcotics, sedative-hypnotics (mostly benzodiazepines), amphetamine-like drugs/cocaine, acetaminophen, and a pile of non-toxic or minimally toxic drugs will be common.
Opiates. Meth, Cocaine. In that order.
They give you that information with your schooling!!
  • shiseido
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