Views tvm.Should fathers have more legal say in cases of abortion?
A man has no say??????????/
The Child is his you black hearted monsters!!!!!!!!!
I hope when each of you dies instead of your life flashing before your eyes you relive the last moments of every murdered baby.Should fathers have more legal say in cases of abortion?
partnership.. %26gt;%26gt; what about adoption.?? there is no need.,no need for abortions.., IF parents seperate after the birth, . which sadly does happen, then what.. you can't abort ..after the child has been born..
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I personally don't think men should have the right to tell women when they should and shouldnt have an abortion. It is the woman's body at the end of the day.
What happens in cases of domestic abuse when a woman is trying to get away from an abusive and violent men (a lot of abuse cases are known to start during pregnancy) and a doctor contacts the man to tell him his partner is booked in to have an abortion. Do you think the man will be like 'OK I wont find her and beat the crap out of her'.
Woman's body, woman's choice.
Sorry but its none of his business. Most men wouldn't be bothered to take the time to care for a Down's Syndrome child let alone an adult. You always see the woman with the grown Down's child. So until men can carry a child in utero let it be the woman's decision unless he signs a document giving him custody after the birth. Then and only then should a woman agree to consider his stand.
it should be discussed between the two parties, but at the end its the woman's decision to have one or not. If a man disagrees with it, perhaps on principle or religious ground then he should have be more responsible in the fact of birth control. some men walk off when they learn their woman is pregnant, so i say if that's the case, then entirely her decision, and believe me when i say, its the hardest one any woman will ever make, contrary to popular opinion.
Outlaw abortion, which is just another word for infanticide. When you cheapen life from it's very onset, you cheapen life for all for ever. Children just get the message that they were all potential abortions. Look at the levels of mental illness in our society and wake up to how abortion degrades us all. Now I'll sit back and wait for the thumbs down from the usual parties who won't even open their minds to think about the subject !!!
No it is a women's right and should remain that way. It would be a right that would make no sense, a man's right to be a father would never overrule a women's right as she is the carrier, it is her body. Men could never be given that legal right but should have their say.
I don't think men should have more say unless/until it is able to transplant the foetus into mens' bodies and we be come pregnant and carry the foetus to term. it is the women who have to carry the foetus so I believe it is entierly their choice wheather to carry the foetus to term or not.
Regardless of any characteristics of the fetus in question, men SHOULDN'T have a say. It is not their body and mind that will have to undergo the unbelievable trial that is a nine-month pregnancy followed by childbirth. Giving men a veto power over women's reproductive choices is archaic.
takes 2 to tango! so yes, fathers should have a say - and be responsible too. should abortion be the choice, both parents need to face it together. should the kid be born and let for adoption, again, decision should involve both. counseling should be for both.
absolutely, yes they should..i have recently seen a young man truly heartbroken, that his so called girlfriend went and had an abortion at 3 mths,, with twins, , he knew the day before, begged and pleaded..absolutely shocking .. i'm pleased to say she is no longer in his life...
Heck yeah they should! Or if the women decides to have the child without his blessing, he should not have to burden the finiancial responsibility.
The pendulum has swung way to far to the left. We as males need to stand up for ourselves.
only when and if the man has to carry the baby
what a women chooses to do with her own body is her business
as a man i don't care its not something i will ever have to deal with cos i can't get pregnant
How on earth do you force someone to have an abortion, just because it's not convenient for you that your wife or girlfriend has that baby?
Sorry - that would lead to all sorts of abuse.
This is hard. Admittedly, a man's word shoulnd't trump the woman's word, but really, would you want to raise a Down's Syndrome baby?
No they have no medical risk from carrying or child birth, they do have a choice in picking a partner and should have checked how compatible they were before hand.
Fathers should have the right to express their feelings and opinions about a woman's decision..if takes two to make a baby..but only one to kill it..that doesn't make sense..
Not a legal say, till such time as the father can carry %26amp; give birth to the baby. But a moral %26amp; ethical say, yes.
no its the only right a woman seams to have now days over her own body ....i don't approve of abortion but the alternative is not acceptable
When men carry a baby for 9 months and give birth, they can have a say in such matters.
I'm going to shoot myself in the foot and say that I agree with that in its entirety.
only if they have to spend hours in labour,
Yes. I'd want to know if someone was planning to murder my baby.
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