Are they trying to beat the April 1 sin tax on smokes?Why has the White House requisitioned 50 cases of Kool cigarettes?
I am not aware of this - but do not disbelieve you. I believe our President (ouch, that hurts) has no problem telling us what we can and cannot eat, can or cannot smoke, pay our mortgages or not depending on who we are...and where we live or whether we could ever pay the money back... BUT he can smoke and make us pay for it.
I'm assuming they're for him because I seem to recall he smoked Kools. Now there's a stereotype he doesn't seem ashamed of. Maybe he should switch to Marlboro Reds in the box. Naw - then he'd think he was out of touch with the people. Funny, I don't know anyone who smokes Kools - I know very few people who even smoke anymore - but those who did, myself included, smoked regular cigarettes - not hyped up Menthols.
If this guy is so smart as to think he can legislate our behavior and morality (which he's already doing) how the hell does he continue to smoke? Sure make it impossible for me to afford my Coke a Cola - but make me pay for your cancer sticks. An entire generation of Black youth will now be MORE inclined to smoke a lot of Kools because the great leader does so with impunity. At such time as he dies from lung cancer, they'll be hooked.Why has the White House requisitioned 50 cases of Kool cigarettes?
It's been over heard that Barry smokes about ten packs a day and recently Michelle and the kids started smoking as well and extra was ordered because Barry is getting tired of Biden bumming them off him, man the empty suit is going up in smoke////
Wow that's a lot of smokes, we may not have to wait til 2012.
the saddest part is that there will be people that believe this. sad how so called Conservatives and Republicans will believe nearly any thing another so called conservative or Re;publican says.
Hmmmm! I heard it was Basic Ultra-Light Menthols! But he does have one of those fancy, flip open cigarette cases like James Bond does!
I hope he smokes himself to death in record time like he is trying to tax us !
They need some nondescript boxes to hide all the cocaine.
Obama must smoke Kool's. WOW! Wont they get stale- they must have a huge freezer to go with those!
Check the tax stamps--I think they were brought in illegally from VA.
Perhaps because Obama wants to smoke?
Just like FDR and LBJ
To go with the truckload of Wild Irish Rose wine they just ordered.
Gotta keep the King supplied with smokes!
I still want to be king.
Dont you mean Newports?
They are the best smokes! My brand when I smoked...
Oh crap I'm getting an urge.
Err..... to smoke?
Loved the link!
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